
A plugin for PowerPoint to make it super easy to prepare your church presentations (songs, bible passages, etc)

WorshipHelper can save you a lot of time and hassle if you use PowerPoint on a Sunday morning to present songs, bible readings and other content.

Three easy clicks is all it takes to import a song from your library, and a passage from the Bible can be included in seconds. You can favourite common items such as a logo slide, notices or a benediction song so that they can be added with a single click.

The WorshipHelper tab in PowerPoint provides an easy new way to add content

And now, you can even add songs and bible passages live while presenting, making unplanned song changes and missed bible passages no big deal. Just press 'Ctrl' while in the Presenter View.

Get it now

Click the download link below to download the WorshipHelper installer. Then look for the WorshipHelper tab in the ribbon in PowerPoint.

Download WorshipHelper v1.4.0